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Rosie Macatangay

Rosie’s love of exercise came to her in her 20s when her job as a nanny came with the benefit of a free membership to a fitness club.


It was more than a gym. It was equipped with free weights, Nautilus machines, a swimming pool, basketball courts, tennis and racquetball courts, yoga and spin classes, and a wonderful women’s spa.


The thing was, she didn’t know how to “workout” and felt intimidated by this new environment. So she reached out to her friend and asked, “How do I get started?”


Rosie was advised to get a personal trainer. After her first few sessions, she fell in love with working out. She loved the endorphins it gave her. Over time, she noticed her body transformation but, more importantly, her mental health transformed as well.


From then on, the “club” is where she lived. She was officially a gym rat and was nicknamed “Rosie the Riveter” because while she worked out she always wore a bandana in her hair, worked out harder, and lifted heavier weights than most of the men. Looking back, this was the time in her life where she was the most physically and mentally healthy. If she wasn’t working or going to school, she was at the club lifting weights, doing cardio, swimming, sunbathing, or socializing.

She was living her best life surrounding herself with like-minded individuals.


Fast forward and Rosie decided to have a family of her own. She moved away from her support network and struggled to find a new club to call home. She got married, had a child, and found herself overwhelmed with the pressures of adulting. Being isolated from family and friends, and solely caring for an infant, she found herself

struggling with her physical and mental health. Later, she learned she had been suffering from postpartum depression.


Genetically and culturally, Rosie is predisposed to many health risks including obesity, depression, anxiety, and addiction.

After years of being at an unhealthy weight, depressed, and anxious all the time, she knew she had to make changes. She thought she would reach a healthy weight by trying every diet she could: Atkins, South Beach, Ideal Protein, even Optavia. She was successful at losing

weight, but unable to maintain the weight loss.


She lived in this insane diet culture life for most of her adult life. So finally, during the pandemic, she set out to heal her body and mind.

Through introspection, she asked herself, “WTF are you doing?” Her health journey continued. Only, this time, she took a more holistic approach. She got busy in the kitchen and started preparing her own meals. She started exercising in the hallway of her building with resistance bands, dumbbells, and bodyweight exercises. Eating

whole foods and exercise helped to some degree but she was still struggling mentally.


Something was still holding her back. After spending time with a close sober friend, and truly being honest with herself, Rosie admitted that she was powerless over alcohol, drugs, and food. Once she surrendered, she immediately felt the mental obsession lift.

She found a program that worked, got a sponsor, and worked the steps toward recovery. Rosie learned that in order to keep what we have, we must give it away.


She was searching for a work environment that supported her health recovery where she could also help others along their own journey. She found the guys at TNT Strength and immediately knew she was home. She followed them on social media, listened to their podcasts, and had an instant connection with them and their core values.


TNT values truth and training backed by science, continuous growth and self-improvement, having fun, empathy and compassion for one another, and building long-lasting relationships. Rosie feels blessed to be able to help others achieve strong bodies and minds and save time

all in two 30-minute workouts per week.


“At TNT Strength, we are truly a team who work together, have fun together, and love to laugh!”


Credentials & Certifications

HIT Uni Certified Personal Trainer

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