Call or text us 855.796.9905


TNT stands for Truth Not Trends and we are a team of evidence-based strength coaches committed to helping people become the best versions of themselves through supervised strength training.

We have decades of experience working with everyone from professional athletes up to adults in their 90s.

Book Your Free Workout!

TNT is ready to get you stronger as safely and efficiently as possible at our new location at
5255 College Ave

Our unique equipment and expert coaching makes strength training safe, efficient, and fun! We offer 1 on 1 personal training as well as small group classes with a great community feel.

Our Core Values


Holding firm to time-tested methods and science while leaving room for skepticism and multiple perspectives.


The Japanese concept of continuous self-improvement. We believe truth and wisdom can only be attained through learning, practice, and mastery.


Hard work should be matched equally with humor, light-heartedness, and playfulness.

Genuine Empathy

Pausing to interrupt the noise of daily life for a chance to experience the humanness in each other. Choosing compassion and safety over judgement and criticism

Transcending Expectations

The world is saturated with experiences that can feel like superficial transactions. We actively seek opportunities to surprise and delight in order to create deeper connections.

Building Lasting Relationships

The coach-client relationship gets richer with time. Building mutually beneficial relationships benefits us not just as individuals, but as members of our communities and the world.

The TNT Mission

We are focused on promoting your health and preventing diseases through evidence-based strength training. We are here to help you become the best version of yourself.




Client Testimonials


— Alexia

@mommylexiloves (Instagram)

Jesse helped me to realize I don’t have to spend as much time at the gym. Focusing on one set to failure and pushing myself to increase the amount of weight versus doing tons of reps was a better approach.


— Daniel

I really enjoyed the way that Jesse kept momentum and high energy through all of our training and made me focus on the most important parts of the workout. So for all you guys out there that are thinking of training I fully recommend it. Jesse is awesome and he can change things for you!


— Conor

For me it’s a really enjoyable style of training. It’s short, very effective, and it really pushes you physically.


- Gerald McLean

When I met with you in late April I was the biggest I've ever been at 205 and wanted to make a change. Within two weeks of working the program you put me on I was already getting comments from friends and co-workers about how great I look. Now, 6 weeks later, I am down to 185 and still going strong on the program.

Feeling overwhelmed with not enough time to workout is over.

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