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November 1, 2022 0 Comments

Kitchen Sink Shake

By now everyone probably knows I love protein shakes. I have been consuming them in one form or another for years. The secret to a good protein shake is like any other recipe. Get high quality ingredients, and then tweak the combination until you find the taste, texture and flavor that suits you best. I eat about two shakes per day. For breakfast I usually have the “Kitchen Sink” shake. It is great tasting, and nutrient dense. Later in the day I often have my

Old-School Super Shake Version 2.0

Kitchen-Sink Shake Recipe

1 cup of water, Yerba-Mate or iced green tea (I usually use unsweetened Yerba-Mate)

1-2 scoops plain or vanilla milk protein blend (I, use a blend of Casein, Egg and Whey)

0.5-1 cup of frozen berry blend (I use Blueberries)

1-2 tablespoons of ground flax seeds (I use organic seeds, and grind my own)

2-3 tablespoons of mixed nuts (I use Organic Almonds and Walnuts)

1 teaspoon creatine (Nothing fancy, just good old Mono-Hydrate)

1 cup Spinach (I use Organic)

Add all ingredients in blender and blend on high for 30-40 seconds.

I drink one of these shakes (usually for breakfast), along with 1-3 capsules of fish oil, and my multi-vitamin. To be sure you’re picking up the right kind of protein supplement, when shopping around, pick up the protein container, flip it over, and search for “milk protein concentrate” or “milk protein blend.” If you see either of these on the ingredients list (or simply, whey and casein as two of the top ingredients), you’re in business. I am currently using a protein blend from Beverly International called PROVOSYN, which has a blend of egg, milk and beef protein.

Shakes are a great way to get high quality nutrition in a quick efficient manner. So try out the “Kitchen Sink” and see if you don’t walk away feeling great!

TAKU’s NOTE: I also like to add some high-quality Greek Yogurt to my Kitchen Sink shake when I really want to load up on protein.

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