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November 15, 2019 0 Comments



Hey everyone out there in T.N.T. Land… We have been hard at work making new content for you to enjoy. With this being said, please take a moment to listen to our most recent episodes.

Chris Stevenoson in ACTION

Chris Stevenoson in ACTION

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Episode #54: featuring IHRSA Board Member, and former red Power Ranger, Chris Stevenson. Along with being an IHRSA board member, Chris is the owner of Stevenson Fitness in Oak Park, CA. Chris is an expert on customer engagement, member experience, and changing lives in the fitness industry.

Episode #55: Stars our guest Bill Piche. Bill is the owner, founder and moderator of Cyberpump, a high intensity-based website with resources for trainees of all skill levels and backgrounds.

Bill Piche showing off his hard work

Bill Piche showing off his hard work

Frank Savino in action

Frank Savino in action

Our most recent episode #56 launched this past Monday and features our friend Coach Frank Savino. Frank Savino is the owner of Gridiron Inc. in Mineola, NY. Gridiron specializes in strength and conditioning training for all levels of fitness.

Join us as Frank discusses his philosophy of working intensely, utilizing many styles of training from high Intensity, power-lifting and strength athletics, which allows the Gridiron trainers to provide their clients with safe, efficient, and effective workouts.

Coach Frank with his friend and Mentor Dr Ken

Coach Frank with his friend and Mentor Dr Ken


TAKU’s NOTE: As you can see we’ve been hard at work bringing you some great new guests and informative discussions. Stay tuned as Jesse and I continue to bring you even more great content in the near future.

TNT has over 35 years of combined fitness experience, so if you’re looking for a coach who can train you online from anywhere in the world, visit our online training page to book a consultation.

TNT wants you to maximize your strength as safely and efficiently as possible, so if you’re looking for a stand alone workout plan, check out our Blackjack training program.

Feeling overwhelmed with not enough time to workout is over.

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