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October 30, 2018 0 Comments



As far as I am concerned nutrition is the foundation of health. After years as a strength coach, and personal trainer, I have seen that people consistently struggle with dialing in their nutrition more than any other factor of health and fitness. With this weeks podcast episode in mind, I offer a few simple strategies that may help you get this often challenging aspect of your personal health and fitness routine, under control.


FIRST: The hard facts!

  • There is no supplement to increase personal discipline!

  • You can’t out work a bad eating plan!

  • Quality Nutrition controls hormonal response (a calorie is not always calorie)

– Insulin – triggers fat storage (too much sugar)

– Glucagon – triggers fat burning (favoring protein dominant meals)

Don’t make excuses…

– “Everything in moderation”, is a set up for failure!

– Learn to eat High-Quality food year-round, (without gorging!)

– Take some responsibility for your actions!


Nutritional Strategies for long term success!

  • Control Quality -1 week.

– First control Quality.

– This alone may help control frequency and quantity.

  • Control Frequency -1 week.

– With controlled quality, frequency is easier to control.

– It also controls energy levels and insulin response.

  • Control Quantity -1-week.

– By this time – the quantities of food are naturally smaller.

– More nutrient dense and thermic foods.

Controlling Quality!

Week 1

  • Start eating more High-Quality foods. If it is in a box, bag, or can, and has a label don’t eat it. Strive for Free-Range Organic Meats. Raw, Organic, full-fat dairy. Chicken and eggs from Free-Range chickens. Local fresh fruits and vegetables (try the Farmer’s Market).

  • You will burn calories breaking down whole foods – as much as 300 additional calories per day (i.e. the Thermic Effect of food).

  • Processed foods should be avoided.

Controlling Frequency!

Week 2

  • Eat 3 & 2 (3 meals and 2 snacks every day). DO NOT SKIP MEALS.*

  • *If ONLY CRAP is available – Use this as an unexpected time to fast.

  • Remember, sometimes it’s okay to be hungry.

  • You have to feed the person you want to be, not the person you are right now!

Controlling Quantity!

Week 3

  • By now – your stomach has shrunk a bit and you are eating less anyway!!

  • When you’re full – stop eating.

  • Eat slow to give your blood sugar time to go up a little and signal you that you are full; you’ll eat less.

  • Feed your ideal bodyweight and add a 0. If you want to weigh 130 lbs. eat 1300 calories over 5-6 meals!!

  • Don’t miss exercise sessions. You don’t miss emails, texts, phone calls, and FACEBOOK, don’t miss your exercise!

Strategic approach!

– Have healthy snacks ready everywhere!

  • Keep non-perishable foods around, and carry a small cooler!

– Nuts & seeds (walnuts. Almonds, Brazil nuts)

– Hard-boiled eggs, String Cheese

– Apples, Celery stalks

  • You’ll eat less!

– Have a healthy Protein Snack before you go food shopping!

– Have a healthy Protein Snack before you go to a party!

  • Don’t buy junk food.

– If it does not belong in your stomach it does not belong in your House / kitchen!

Well…there you have it. some simple strategies to aid you on your personal quest for lifelong health and fitness. Remember, nutrition is the foundation of health. Take the ideas I have outlined above and put them into practice today!


TNT has over 35 years of combined fitness experience, so if you’re looking for a coach who can train you online from anywhere in the world, visit our online training page to book a consultation.

TNT wants you to maximize your strength as safely and efficiently as possible, so if you’re looking for a stand alone workout plan, check out our Blackjack training program.


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